Monday 16 October 2017

Maternity leave

Manene namanenekazi! (Gentlemen and ladies!)

It's been a while since i posted anything, a lot has happened in my life! Pregnancy, birth of a new baby, depression and... and... and!

Whats important though is that I'm back and ready to learn and speak about beauty with you guys.
Please let me know of any products you would like for me to review or trending topics around beauty, especially ancient, traditional, or peculiar.
Chow for now!

Monday 20 June 2016

How to feel fresh, down there!

SO...  today we are going to talk about the HONEY POT!

Yup, I mean the VEE JAY JAY.
The glorious Vagina!
Say it with me... Vagina!

One last time, and this time with pride, oomph and glory...


Monday 13 June 2016

Essence liquid lipstick review

Hello guys!
I know I've been a stranger but I swear I have good reasons.
Last week I got an email from an old friend of mine who asked which lipstick and lip gloss brand she can use for winter, because she absolutely cannot go without gloss, but she loves colour too.
This reminded me of the Essence Liquid lipstick that I had borrowed from my sisters makeup bag that got me a lot of compliments one day at work. Since I had only tried one I decided to buy a few just to have a fair experience of the variety of colours.
Selected colours and codes: 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Revlon colorburst matte balm review

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love lip stick. I believe there is a lipstick for every mood! Lipstick makes a statement, there is so much you can say about a woman by just looking at her lipstick. And what is a beautiful outfit without the right lipstick, HUH???
OK, I'll stop!

Saturday 23 April 2016

Post travel skin rehab. (For intense breakouts and dirty pores)

Hello, and thank you for visiting. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been travelling and work just seemed to pile up! I haven't had time to pamper myself even, thus the scary breakouts on my face.
So I was in China in the past two weeks, as much as I love China my skin couldn't take it. I'm sure you guys know they have a pollution crisis, from their water to their air even washing was a possible threat to my very sensitive skin. What made it worse I had even forgotten my face wash back in South Africa. (I know u thinking I should have just bought another one, but I have a bit of a stingy pocket situation)
Anyway this is what I look like now...

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Get the stink off your weave quick!

Picture this:
It's a lovely day, your crush is approaching and the sun is like a spotlight on your face. You are wearing that perfectly fitting dress and nature is on your side as a gentle breeze hits you up like a studio fan. In the middle of your Marylyn Manroe pose you pause 'coz your hair is greasy, and the only thing blowing on your head is the damp funky smell of your product infested unwashed hair...

Ok! maybe I'm a little dramatic, but you already get the gist of why your hair needs to not only look good but smell good too.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Food for your skin


Taking care of our skin has become such a tricky business, especially the skin on our face. Keeping a clean, healthy, and glowing skin is the ultimate key to maintaining or promoting beauty. Even for those who believe in makeup like I do, beautiful skin creates a beautiful canvas!

So what is it that our skin really needs?
