Monday 20 June 2016

How to feel fresh, down there!

SO...  today we are going to talk about the HONEY POT!

Yup, I mean the VEE JAY JAY.
The glorious Vagina!
Say it with me... Vagina!

One last time, and this time with pride, oomph and glory...


There... Now that we got that out of the way, let us talk about how to keep this baby clean and fresh, all day!

So you probably thinking, what does this have to do with beauty?
Well honey, everything!
The vagina is gorgeous to begin with... yes! I mean all the mystery that is packaged there, but we will get to that on another article.

 I believe beauty is about confidence, everything we add, remove, enhance and embrace about ourselves makes us beautiful. There are thousands of products out there all about the vagina. They claim to keep it tight, clean, balanced, pink, moist, creamy, fresh, fragrant and so many other things, which means we care about how it looks feels and that it is beautiful. Girl! lark your mimpsy is the business hey!

Ok, so we know she doesn't always have a good day, that is because she has a life of her own and goes through many cycles that just sometimes puts her off and doesn't want any visitors- excuse the pun. She (and I'm personifying the vagina because I believe it has its own personality) just wants you to take care of her, through thick and thin (LOL, the puns are just coming). Also, some days she can just remind you of a tuna sandwich, if you know what I mean,

 and that is perfectly normal. And guess what? you don't have to douche, shove cucumbers or potatoes (yes that happens), rub Vicks or any herbs in her just to please your sexual partner.

The first thing we need to accept is that we all have our insecurities, men as well. I feel I have to mention this because for too long woman have sacrificed their vaginas just so someone can find pleasure in it more than she does. You are not always gonna flow like the Nile river or even experience an orgasm all the time, if ever.
Before I start a 'Vagina Campaign' , I just need to get it across that woman should understand that the Vagina is ok just as it is. she bleeds once in a while, she vomits all kinds of things and is very prone to infection if you don't look after it.  That musky scent is how its suppose to smell honey! Cranberries, mango, flowers and waterfalls are great for the wild, but down there, we create a different kind of scent, and each vagina her own!

Stay fresh tips.

The first rule to freshness is keeping clean. Shower at least once a day and at most twice a day. Not washing enough will cause bacteria build up, bad odor and irritation. Washing too much can cause dryness and depending on how you wash not only is it unnecessary but it can mean you're washing away healthy bacteria that your genitals need to stay healthy - for example lactobacillus acidophilus that help prevent yeast overgrowth, so leaving you may be more prone to yeast infections.

You're not dirty -
Thanks to your vagina's own self-cleaning functions your vagina is actually cleaner than your mouth, washing your vulva with water once a day is enough to stay clean - the problem is mental, thinking your genitals are dirty is the major danger here because it is unhealthy to feel so negatively about your vagina.

-Be sure to also use clean hands before handling your girl, you don't want to touch and leave any foreign micro-particles.
Use warm or cool clean water only to wash (Unless advised otherwise by your doctor).
Water that is too hot ma effect the moisture balance and elasticity of your punani.
Also gently dry your genitals with a clean towel, water is a breeding ground for bacteria.

-After you urinate or poop, wipe with clean tissue or wipes from front to back. You don't want to get your feces in your lady parts because that honey will not only cause odor but an infection too.

pH balance-
The pH of a substance is a measurement of how acidic or basic it is, on a scale of 0 to 14, with the lower numbers representing greater acidity. Vaginal pH is a measure of the acidity of the vaginal environment and in healthy women vaginal pH is typically 3.5 to 4.5. This of course is slightly acidic, falling a little below a neutral rating of 7.

 -We all know that yeast and bacteria affect the vaginal environment. But, did you know that a major factor in vaginal health is pH? An important part of keeping everything in balance “down there” is the vaginal pH. When your vaginal pH becomes unbalanced, odor-causing microorganisms can flourish causing vaginal odor and discomfort (no fun!). Studies show that vaginal issues often occur when vaginal pH is unbalanced. By maintaining a healthy vaginal pH, you can help reduce your risk of vaginal issues.

 -If you wash with soaps, washes, or wipes - including so-called 'feminine' soaps, washes and wipes - these can effect vaginal pH which causes even more problems with bacteria within your vagina/vulva, they can dry-out vaginal/vulva tissues leaving it more prone to infection.

Cotton panties-
Cotton breathes, as much as we may love that silk or lacey number, it may not give sufficient air circulation to keep you mimpsy cool and fresh. (Store in a cool dry place)

-Change to clean underwear at least once a day

Panty liners-
Panty liners can help especially if you have excessive discharge that can leave you feeling uncomfortable and moist.
Carry extra liners if you have to change through out the day, some woman experience this through out their cycle some only towards their period or during ovulation.
Drink lots of water-
Since discharge is liquid based, for the vagina to be able to clean itself properly you need to drink lots of water to help your body flush out toxins.

-The mucous vaginal membranes require plenty of water. To function properly, they need to stay well-hydrated. The best way to achieve this is by drinking sufficient amounts of water. At least six to eight 8 glasses of water should be drank each day (1.5 to 2 liters). Water helps to lubricate your vagina and also diminishes the smell of your private parts.

-Monitor the color of your urine if it is a strong yellow colour, it could be an indication that you are not drinking enough water.

Visit your Gynecologist at least once a year for a routine check up and for your pap smear.
Visit your doctor more often if you have any concerns and need any advise.

- Don't be shy to sniff your juices.
Your vagina should be odorless or give-off a mild musky scent. If you smell anything offish go see the Gynea.

-Your vagina should give off a white or clear discharge with a smooth egg whites consistency a few days after your period. It is normal for it to change around 14 days after your periods to a hard to see through and more clumpy than stringy consistency.

-Watch out for clumpy discharge that looks a bit like
cottage cheese, as that could be a yeast infection. Also monitor the colour of your discharge, yellow, and green are something to worry about. visit your gynea immediately should you see this. Brownish discharge or discharge that isa bit bloody is normal after periods, but if it is accompanied by pain or any other time of your cycle, visit your gynea just to be sure.

Say away from the inside!
 Don't use anything at all. It's self-cleaning. The discharge you get through out the day? That's how the vagina cleans itself. Using soap will only put you at higher risk of developing irritation or infection. Using warm water and clean hand is enough. Discharge cleans out dirt and dead cells. The vagina is also acidic so kills off harmful bacteria while allowing healthy bacteria to thrive. You don't need to clean your vagina, just your vulva but you do this with water only! Soaps, washes, wipes are potentially harmfully and may kill off healthy bacteria! Bear in mind that your vagina/vulva is made up of mucosa - like skin but without the top protective layer. Mucosa is sensitive so more prone to irritation from chemicals in soaps &washes.

-DONT DOUCHE, never ever put anything in your vagina unless advised by your doctor. it is tempting to go all the way in and spring clean, but don't do it honey! you will cause more harm than good. the mimsy has got this!

- Don't wear tampons for more than 8 hours as this can cause Toxic Shock Syndrom (TSS), try to avoid wearing tampons when you sleep as well because it becomes difficult to regulate time. Sanitary towels are less invasive though should also be changed regularly to keep fresh.

Eat right-
Have you had pickles/atchar or a spicy curry and smelled you mimpsy after?
-Have the following foods with your vagina in mind because the taste buds might love it but the vagina will not!
coffee, atchar, fizzy drinks,

-Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eating plant-based food reduces menstrual cramps, improves your skin, and gives you an easier orgasm. Eat a diet high in vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens should be a go to. Get plenty of vitamin B6 and potassium.

-Seeds and nuts are high in vitamin E, which prevents dryness of the vagina, as well as oils. Almonds and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which helps combat itching and regulates the menstrual cycle

Remember, Your vagina will never be odor free. It will always smell, well, like your vagina. Each woman has her own natural, healthy scent influenced by hormones, diet, weight and genetics.This scent can change at different times in your menstrual cycle or with changes to your age and overall health.

Keep it fresh!

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